FMG Leading

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Dr. Matt Brubaker Publishes New Article in Chief Executive Magazine

New York, NY - December, 2019 - FMG Leading’s CEO Dr. Matt Brubaker has published a new article, titled “Why CEOs Should Lead Human Capital Strategy” in Chief Executive magazine.

In the article, Dr. Matt Brubaker, shares why CEOs should create human capital strategies for their organization in partnership with Human Resources, vs. delegating this critical growth lever entirely to HR.


“The business world has never been more awash in human capital “best practices”—initiatives ranging from talent management programs to detailed and comprehensive culture schemes. These ideas are increasingly trending because of their enormous potential to accelerate performance and unlock value, even in sectors where growth has slowed.

In response, many chief executives are enthusiastically greenlighting such initiatives. Unfortunately, too many are delegating them to their human resource departments—and they may not be happy with the outcome.

While HR traditionally serves as the department responsible for implementing all-things people focused, it is a mistake to conflate robust HR practices with a human capital strategy. This flawed arrangement siloes and separates critical thinking from the leaders and discussions that set top priorities, identify central challenges and propose strategies for growth, making it far too difficult to strategically align people-focused initiatives with big-picture strategy, which is imperative to success.

A true human capital strategy is always aligned with and designed to drive an enterprise strategy. It spurs integrated planning that ensures an organization’s human core is working in lockstep to pursue its big-picture goals with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. It aligns strategically conceived tactics (i.e., training, compensation, culture-building) with overarching objectives and corporate narratives, influencing the instruction, motivation, communication and performance of key talent.

This holistic approach to human capital planning requires top-down consideration and ownership. Specifically, an organization’s chief executive should serve as its sponsor and assume responsibility over people- and culture-focused work, with the benefit of a CHRO or strategic human capital advisor.”