Leaders need to engage with their people differently to foster greater levels of trust, and they need the trust of their people to reach their mission-critical goals.
The best healthcare executives and investors pair these initiatives with coaching to drive performance.
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Not all executive coaches can truly unlock value in the complex world of private equity.
The reality among organizations looking to achieve rapid scale is that coaching alone isn’t enough.
For healthcare leaders to reverse current industry trends, they need leadership development programs that truly allow their people to “level up.”
A growing number of investors are inviting executive coaches to help build and support alignment between boards and management teams.
Recruiting and retaining "cultural contributors" makes workplace cultures and organizations stronger.
When handled in a thoughtful, intentional manner, culture serves to accelerate change management and drive results across enterprises.
To avoid a repeat of 2023, take definitive action now to prepare your core teams to meet next year’s objectives.
Executive coaches can accelerate value creation by helping management teams perform at their best and build productive, high-trust working relationships.
Founders and CEOs can harness culture to maximize private equity investments - and exits. Here’s how.
Leading portcos in uncertain times means investing in people, even during layoffs.
Can PE firms afford to continue to only focus on top management teams during a time of labor shortages?
Leaders can better drive performance by focusing on why and how work takes place, rather than where it happens.
A coach’s ability to recognize key patterns among CEOs of PE-backed companies enhances their ability to harness potential and meaningfully accelerate value creation.
Founders can maintain their companies' "secret sauce" while evolving their cultures to meet the strategic needs of a much larger enterprise. Here's how.
Actionable steps leaders can take to help build their organizations’ comfort with continuous change and shift their people’s mindset toward change readiness.
Tough decisions may be required, but CEOs can still stave off the negative impacts of a soft market and further distance their organizations from the competition.
While executive coaches often provide counsel to portfolio company management, not all coaches are skilled in navigating the complex world of Private Equity.
Amidst today's market uncertainty, some organizational leaders feel they don't have to focus as much on their workplace cultures. Here's why they couldn't be more wrong.
Interim Chief Human Resources Officers (iCHROs) are quickly becoming a must-have among forward-thinking companies.
Talent management is one of the biggest hurdles for fast-growing companies, so the earlier you get a handle on it, the better.
These seven tensions, along with corresponding questions, will allow leaders to best devise Culture 3.0 in 2023.
Here are five levers that will be integral to driving portfolio performance over the next five years.
Proactive agreements on how to work together can help organizations avoid many of the obstacles often present in collaborative or team-based workplaces.
GPs can help their portfolio company management proactively navigate a potential down market.
Leaders must recognize the senselessness of choosing between their people’s high performance and humanity; they both matter.
In today’s tight labor market, employee retention and other human-resource issues are taking center stage in private-equity due diligence.
The CEO of FMG Leading Matt Brubaker says that people want to work, there’s just a lack of compelling jobs.
Compensation alone has proved insufficient in keeping healthcare organizations properly staffed amid the unprecedented labor shortage.
You have to become a great place to work before expecting to recruit and retain great people.
Typical off-the-shelf executive assessments used by Private Equity firms are incomplete, offering investors a static prediction of a candidate’s likelihood of success.
Tackling social impact initiatives requires GPs to wrestle with their larger purpose.
The Covid-19 pandemic revolutionized how and where private-equity professionals work…. but left their high pay intact last year.
Multi-site care delivery companies must rethink the criticality of the managers and administrators running the individual sites that comprise the company’s growing network.
With deal activity booming and firms looking to deploy their accumulated dry powder, GPs cannot afford to under-club human capital due diligence.
Increasingly trendy across business sectors, the idea of authenticity has become little more than a buzzword diluted by those who project their own views onto its meaning.
Jennifer Perry, managing principal for FMG Leading, underscores the importance of culture and human capital during the M&A process.
Ensuring hospitals have every capacity to meet the immediate crises, and those to come, requires that they prioritize engaging their physician leaders and building their capacity to lead.
Once leaders orient to their steering stars, they’ll need more information to inform their journeys. Here are 3 questions to answer first.
To avoid hindering long-term growth, portfolio companies trimming budgets must first rework human capital strategies.
Like the ancient wayfinders, executives these days should seek to identify permanent “navigational markers” to help guide their decision-making process.
Quality improvement professionals know their efforts will be more successful when they gain the support of the hospital board of directors and top executive leaders.
A rigorous analysis of four specific elements can determine the quality of its human capital and its impact on the company’s ability to drive value creation.
Crisis tests a business's culture. It also is a good time to create or strengthen a culture.
There are many opportunities for companies to emerge from this crisis stronger and more agile, especially among those that can quickly adapt to the realities of remote work.
Healthcare leaders must ensure their Hospital Incident Command Centers can contend with the anticipated challenges ahead.
Healthcare leaders must ensure their Hospital Incident Command Centers can contend with the anticipated challenges ahead.
The Chicago Bulls teams of the 90’s only achieved their full championship potential through the exceptional coaching of Phil Jackson.
COVID-19 is threatening to postpone, derail or force a restructuring of hospital deals in the works, but an unusual four-hospital, two-system deal is still intact.
Like Apollo 13, leaders might have only one shot at getting their strategy and execution right in the wake of a global pandemic.
Collaborating from afar has the potential for distraction and miscommunication, but best practices can help teams work in lockstep.
The coronavirus is forcing a sudden culture of telecommuting …. and companies must adapt quickly.
Those who have suffered personal hardships often have greater empathy and sincerity—and are better poised to lead.
A high-performing PE portco requires more than just a growth strategy; it also demands a strategy to align and engage its people: a human capital strategy.
A true human capital strategy is always aligned with and designed to drive an enterprise strategy.
Purists argue that coaches should stay in their lane, keeping subject matter strictly business. Or should they?
To best achieve strategic alignment, board members should take it upon themselves to question the thinking behind proposed human capital initiatives.
Communicated, modeled and conducted properly, executive coaching should be considered a privilege and badge of honor.
Investments in relationship engineering and other human capital strategies are generating greater returns for evangelist firms.
The conventional wisdom in executive coaching has long been that coaches shouldn’t give advice…
Five ways you can optimize remote teams when everyone just wants to go outside and play.
There are four behaviors that the most coachable leaders have in common...
The dyad model provides more expertise in each area, but the system may not provide all the benefits healthcare organizations want.
Digital leaders are working hard to build a workplace that meets the shifting needs of their employees.
Successful leaders can recognize a fear that is fueling ineffective behavior, harness it, and lead for the better.
Some CEOs can best serve their companies by resigning as board chair.
If your company depends on your heroism, you’re not doing it right.
Savvy buyers know that to measure ROI, they must identify behaviors earmarked for change.
Executives in charge of people can play an outsized role in raising engagement.
Before you take the plunge, make sure you’re cut out for a PE-backed job.
We’ve noticed a pattern of red flags that indicate when a coaching investment will be wasted.
Most doctors receive little or no leadership training in medical school.
Stifling or ignoring your fear doesn’t make it go away…
Strong healthcare leadership has never been more important – especially for physicians.
Here are four ways healthcare HR can take the lead in driving engagement.
Powerful leading is not about what you do, but who you are.
In this post we discuss the 7 questions PE leaders should ask to determine if a CEO has what it takes.
PE firms frequently evaluate CEOs or CEO candidates on the wrong criteria.
Being able to deliver effective, actionable feedback is an important skill to cultivate as a leader.
We’ve found that unsuccessful CEOs of PE-owned firms all lacked 3 key skills.
We have found three fundamental CEO qualities that drive growth in the most successful PE investments.
A toxic workplace culture can make it especially difficult for nurses to provide top-level care.
Private equity firms are often unsuccessful in choosing the right CEOs to run their companies.
Ultra running is my source of grounding in an otherwise chaotic life.
Executives must be clear and aligned on who they are, where they’re going, and how they’re going to win.
You’ll want to make sure you’re taking smart steps to keep millenials engaged and interested.
The HR function is becoming increasingly more critical from a strategic business standpoint.
Why do so many CEOs delegate the quality of top leadership talent to someone else?
How can companies reconcile their need to retain and develop leaders while still managing the ROI?
There is no great leading without wisdom. Our actions simply express what we believe.
What is source? You may have heard experts shout about the need to renew and replenish it.
We all know managers that are so focused on the task that they forget the human element of the job.
There are two questions leaders often ask which make me cringe.
Empathy is the ability to understand and sense the emotions of another person.
Often one of the first questions clients ask is, “Will your survey tell us what we need to know?”
Many of us have been there before… a job that we absolutely dreaded.
The details surrounding our daily lives speak volumes about our values, character, and culture.